This month has flown by just as fast as Kelden's first year. December has been very busy, but our little boy has been busier. Kelden learned to stand all by himself, cruise around the furniture, clap, climb sisters' bunk bed ladder, walk, open the toilet lid, unroll the toilet paper, pull apart the dishwasher, unplug the electrical outlets and open all the cupboards! Words learned: Ha-ee, done, all done, good, nigh-nigh, Hi, dr..ink, more, ma ma, da da. Also, Kelden broke through his 1 year molars between Thanksgiving and Christmas. He now has 12 teeth! We all look forward to celebrating his 1st birthday in a few more weeks. He is a true joy to us all!

11 Months Old
One handsome boy.
Kelden was on antibiotics for 2 1/2 weeks with occasional breathing treatments.
Dads says I can do this all by himself.
I can fly...
...I can crawl on all the UPS boxes,
...I can drink my bottle and stand at the same time,

...I can destroy the dishwasher is seconds,

Brothers teaching me how to be a real cowboy.

I think I almost got it!
I can even shoot brother's gun.

I can eat popcorn whenever I want!
I can use a fork.
Mom lets me have oreos and dad lets me have candy canes.
That sure was GOOD, but I think I need a washrag.
Hey, that's me!