A chilly afternoon at Bishops Pumpkin Farm.

What a wonderful, caring & nurturing big brother.

The two flowers of my life!

Brian was not a whole lot older than Kelden when he first had a photo next to this very same pumpkin. Hailey insisted that they take a group photo. So cute!

Rain or shine...we are going to have a great time!

Kelden's 1st hay ride.

Kelden's 1st pumpkin.

The perfect pumpkin.

The pumpkins were so mushy, Keagan was the only one to pick one from the field.

Year after year, pumpkin after pumpkin...Beth still likes the ornamental pumpkins the best. Silly girl.

Operating the blue wheelbarrows is still a favorite with Keagan.

Pumpkins with warts...WARTA PUMPKINS!

Hailey is still trying to sweet talk me into letting her get a baby goat. I have to admit they are awful cute.