Monday, January 3, 2011

Our Christmas vacation

Our Christmas vacation at a glance...

...playing a game of Memory with our Uncle, styling by Hailey,
...looking our finest. We have the best Uncle EVER!
...taking turns (it didn't last for long),
...making Christmas bark,
...playing with the guns,
...wanting an even bigger gun,
...preparing for and taking the Hunter's Safety Course,
...sharing the breathing treatments, visiting the Pediatricians office & Urgent Care,
...collecting up frequent flyer's miles at the Pharmacy,
...enjoying silly playtime,
...loosing our 1st tooth on Thanksgiving Day & our 2nd tooth on Christmas Day,
...learning to be brave,
...baking for our neighbors,
...assembling the neighbor's treats,
...enjoying our Christmas gifts,

...dressing up in crazy clothes,
...watching favorite holiday movies,
...going to the movie theatre to see Tangled twice,
...playing board games,
...stripping a dresser for the boys,
...tracking UPS orders,
...viewing the Christmas lights on El Margarita,, sorting & organizing the bedrooms & cupboards, a little T.L.C. to the animals,
...visiting Sky Zone in Roseville,
...making cookies with Grandma & Aunt Ashlie,
...making comic strips,
...playing the new Wii,
...napping and more napping,
...quad riding with cousins, shooting with the neighbors,
...encouraging Kelden to walk,
...reading Christmas stories,
but mostly wiping snotty noses, rocking sick kids in the wee hours of the morning & cleaning up throw-up after coughing spells.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Going out with a snowball fight!

Most of our 2 1/2 week Christmas vacation has been been taken up with a nasty cold. Needless to say, the children have been very disappointed. Yesterday was the last day we had together as a family before the kids got back to school. So, we wanted to make it count! Only in the North Valley can you, just on a whim, take a day trip to the ocean, to a sunny beach, or to the snow. Casey pulled out of our driveway around 12:30 after dropping off Bethany & Keagan. By 3:00 the kids were rolling in a foot of snow! Now that is spontaneity!
We found a perfect spot at Scotts Flatt. The stores were all closed, but that didn't slow down travelers from enjoying...
... some fun snow pictures,

...dressing up in snow clothes,
...eating a little snow,
...building a snow fort,
...a snow ball fight,

...a little sledding,

...and catching the snowflakes with your tongue.

Just as we were getting ready to head back to the car it started snowing. The kids got to experience it all. The 1 1/2 hr. stop along the road turned out to be more than we could have imagined. Kelden loved the snow! I kept thinking he would fit in quite well at Uncle Matt and Aunt Jamie's house.

I can't think of a better way to end our afternoon in the snow than a little dinner at KFC. (a daddy tradition in Grass Valley)
What a super fun day and a GREAT way to end our Christmas vacation.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ringing in the New Year!

Traditionally the kids go to my parents for an overnighter, but due to our long lasting colds we felt it was best if the kids stayed closer to home and rang in the New Year, eastern time. So, we joined our church friends at the Finch's home (Oh, you brave souls!) in Sutter and rang in the year at 9:00 p.m. At the end of the night, Keagan and Bethany joined Landon and Claire for a sleepover (God bless you, Casey!) while Hailey rang in the New Year again with Brian and I at midnight.
They started early with the sweets.
The garage was heated and set up with various carnival games for the kids.
I just love this photo of Kelden. He is in a room full of girls and having the time of his life!

Bethany had the best time!
By this point, Kelden was ready to turn in for the night.
"Come on, Keagan! You won't get cooties from a toast."
"Dad, you have definitely been holding out on me."
God bless you Jamie! Sam and Syd are so blessed to have you as their mom. Thank you for opening your home and inviting our family to a wonderful party.
Casey and her kiddoes. I don't know who looks more tired, mom or the kids.
These three kids could not get enough of the various nose makers. Too cute!
I think these three are running on adrenaline and sugar!
Happy New Year Everyone!