REALLY...I have not given up on blogging. Four kids and 3 1/2 acres has kept Brian and I busy this year. Not to mention field trips, homework, softball, baseball, housework and the 28 family birthdays; yes, I counted! My summer goal is to squeeze in the time (a little each day) to get my blog current. I hope you all enjoy the look into our lives as much as we have enjoyed living it. Stay tuned....
Three weeks into our summer vacation and it finally feels like summer. The weather has turned from the 60's to the 90's in a matter of a week. Nothing like trading in the sweaters for a swimsuit. Go California! School ended on May 26th. Since then, we went on a 15th anniversary trip, a 3 day camping trip and ended the Minors Mudhen baseball season. Baseball is not quite over for the Wartas...Keagan & 2 players from his team were voted onto the All Star Team. Keagan couldn't be more excited and we couldn't be prouder! He played the whole season as the first string catcher, developed some leadership skills and boosted his self confidence.
Here's a look into the other things that have filled our days...

Kelden has Hailey's love for the water...just can't get enough no matter how cold it is.

This photo explains the smile and laughter on his face...WATCH OUT BETHANY!

"My daddy is going to be so happy that I am watering his tree!"

Oh yes, and there is always time in Kelden's world for a snuggle or two...

and a little hard work never hurt anyone.

Keagan is learning to mow the yard and is excited to earn a little money this summer.

Keagan has been eager to do this for years but his legs were just not long enough to reach the brakes without lifting his bum off the seat, which disengages the engine. He was so determined on this day. He shared his idea with me and I said, "Try it and if it works, the job is all yours." If you look real close, you can see my 12 lb. on the seat and one bungee corded to the platform of the seat. It, away he went.

Kelden is about as eager as his brother.

He reminds us so much of Uncle Tim, intrigued by how everything works.

I have the coolest dad ever!

If it has a motor... it is all mine.

"Do I have to wear these, Daddy?"

Hailey and Brian have been diligently working to make improvements on her animal pens...increasing the size and strength of the chicken coop AND raising the goats house up off the ground to provide more shade. works. Hailey has 3 goats now, Sophie, Scarlett(pictured) and Shelby.

Brother gives me lots of wheelbarrow and quad rides.

With Keagan's hands busy Bethany enjoys riding the quad alone.

Two peas and a pod. There similarities are striking. Their love for each other just melts my heart.

And then, there is LOTS of summer reading going on!