The joy of being together outweighed the few tears.

Felicity was hamming it up for this picture.

Trinity has a precious china doll face.

Journey is the life of the party.

Corey and
Keagan enjoyed watching Corey's turtle.

Just a few tickles is all it took to get Bethany to smile while Aunt Amber takes a picture.

Just a little more Christmas snuggling.

Hailey and Lacey-Wow! They are becoming young ladies.

Thank you
OOO much Grandma Marilyn for all the American Girl doll clothes. They are absolutely adorable.

Trouble is lurking around the corner.

Bethany decided to wear everyone of her Christmas presents at the same time!

My mom had a hard time holding back the tears as she opened the photo star that I modged
podged for her.
I love you Beth!!! There's never a dull moment when you're around.
Angie, your star was beautiful and I know that you're mom will appreciate all the time and effort that went into it. It is a very special Christmas gift.
Hailey, you are becoming a lovely young lady right before our very eyes.
We love you all so much!!!
Hi Angie and Brian...I've had an invitation to Sydney and Sam's New Year's Eve Party sitting on our kitchen counter for quite some time now...still haven't gotten it to you. It is a party geared toward kids, with games and activites. It is on Wed, Dec 31st from 6:30-9:30pm. We celebrate the new year at 9pm EST/12am PST. We hope you guys can come!
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