Saturday, January 31, 2009

Snow Trip in Tahoe

We spent 4 fabulous days in Lake Tahoe with Tim, Casey, Landon & Claire-Bear. Pop on over to Tim & Casey's blog for even more pictures of our trip.

There was a light dusting of snow on our first and second day which made for exciting travels. The kids enjoyed watching the snow fall.

Hailey stayed up with the adults one evening to learn the game of Settlers. She caught on quickly and just might be Aunt Casey's competition by the time we go to the cabin.

Oh, yes. That is my crazy husband strutting his toughness. Tim, Brian and Keagan walked from the condo to the outdoor spa in freezing temperature dressed in their swim trunks & snow boots.
It was quite the scene!

Outdoor Spa + Freezing Temperatures + Snow = VERY ICY SIDEWALKS!
Thank you Lord for your hand of protection.

Keagan thought it would be better to attack his cookie before it ate him!

Decorating Valentine Sugar Cookies after the spa.

Hailey and Keagan enjoyed a game of Twister as Bethany and Landon worked the spinner and shouted out the directions.

Making snowflakes with a collage of stickers, glitter glue, and foam shapes. Landon enjoyed cutting with the scissors best.

Bethany can spend hours working on a single project. She was very proud of her final masterpiece.

What is it with babies and snow hats? Just too cute for words.

You can see the laughter in their faces. Landon and Bethany played so well together.

I just love the look on Keagan's face. Brian and Keagan share the same zest for life.

Hailey could not jump in that snow fast enough.

After Casey scared her son on his first run (Ha!) Uncle Brian and Landon became inseparable.

I just love this picture of Keagan! He sure is growing up.

Bethany never tired out. She absolutely loved the snow. Mya-You and Bethany would make great snow pals.

The snow was very dry but Hailey persevered to make a small snowman.

Tailgating it at lunch-time. This picture really shows the pretty girl that Bethany is becoming.
Let the snow-ball fight begin...

The End to the snow-ball the day...& maybe even to a friendship.

Auntie Casey got Keagan back GOOD! He didn't think it was so funny at the time, but he got over it rather quickly and still thinks you're a pretty cool Aunt.

Thanks guys for a super fun time in the snow!

1 comment:

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

What a fun trip! Even though it was exhausting at times with Landon and Claire, I was so sad it was over.

Keagan, I love you buddy! Hope we can still be friends! :)
Auntie Casey