The best father, friend, companion & teacher in the whole wide world...that's the man I am lucky to call my husband and father of my children. You are a gem Brian! I am a better person because of you. I love you not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
Happy Father's Day!
All my love,
The Luckiest Woman Alive

"I really liked your sparkly badge!"

" I remember all the times you took me shopping for mom's gifts."

"It is very special that I was able to be a part of so many of your fire ceremonies. I guess being the oldest isn't so bad."

"I remember bringing the first grade bear, T.C. home and taking it to the firehouse station for a visit. My favorite firehouse memory was when I hid on top of the roof in the dorms during a game of hide and seek. I was never found."

"During one of our many daddy-
daughter dates I remember we couldn't get a mud pie so we ordered a not so good apple dessert. It was still very fun."
"Thank you so much for making a wonderful pen for my goats and always buying their food. You made my dream possible!"
I love you!

Thank you for always making the firehouse a special place to visit.

Your tractor rides are the BEST, but don't tell mom!

You never seem to mind a little slobber with your root beer floats
... and you are always up for a Jamba Juice!

Sorry, dad, for crying in your ear. I know now that you were just trying to get me used to being on the water. Hey, it worked! You can take me out on the fishing boat anytime...we're quite the fishing buds!

I can always count on you to fix my gator, keep my batteries charged & pull me back to the house when my battery leaves me stranded on the back
forty. ~Thanks, dad!

I love getting my hair curled fancy to go on a daddy-daughter date at Red Robin.
"I love you daddy! I love you SO MUCH!"

" I love to wrestle with you even if my sister becomes the victim."

"I love it when you give me airplane rides because you always wanted an airplane, too."

"No matter what dad does he always brings fun and joy into the family."

"You always let me help you even if it is a BIG job."

"I love it when dad lets me use his equipment even if I am not really going on a fire."
"I love working with you on my quad, trailer & boat. I also like shooting guns and bows with you. Thank you for being the best dad!"
Love, Keagan
1 comment:
You are a super great daddy and a pretty awesome uncle. Thanks for all you do for our family.
We love you,
Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire Bear
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