Thursday, July 16, 2009

A cousins summer sleepover

Mya spent her first night in California at Uncle Brian & Aunt Angie's house along with Cousin Claire & Cousin Landon. Just for the readers, we had a total of 6 kids all under the age of 10! Brian and I made a great team along with our "Big" helpers, Cousin Hailey and Cousin Keagan. The next morning the kids still had smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts, we would call this a "successful mission" at the Warta house.
Hailey playing the violin for Mya...

Everyone slept good that night. I don't know what it is about our house, but kids sure do sleep well. Maybe it is the freedom to roam every square inch of 3 1/2 acres.

Doing a bead project...

Resting with a little bit of Tinkerbell...

Dinner time! Oh yes, Keagan's friend, Cameron joined us for dinner too; which gave us a grand total of 7 children. (Mom, I don't know how you did it!)
Playtime with Uncle Brian while the girls took a bath.

And then there is feeding the goats. Mya wanted to know if we were going to feed the goats a bottle of milk. I was amazed that she remembered doing this with Hailey 2 1/2 years ago at the age of 2. That girl has an amazing memory!

Bare feet never hurt anyone.

Playing in the playhouse...

"Spiders are crawling up your back... to bite you, bite you" This has been Bethany & Claire's favorite thing to do to one another.

Can't forget about dress-up!
(Keagan helping Mya with her wings.)
I just love this picture of the girls. You can tell that Mya is still a bit jet lagged.

The trampoline is always a hit!
The girls had fun playing ring-around-the-roses.

Hailey found a very cute & fuzzy baby killdeer. The kids had fun holding or should I say squishing it. Hailey rescued the baby just in time.

The tree fort...

No visit is complete without a few quad rides from Uncle Brian and maybe just a little bit of racing. (Shh! Don't tell mom and dad.)
Uncle Brian even took us to the blackberry bushes for a mid-morning snack. To make the trip a bit quicker, Landon rode his quad and Brian piled on Keagan's quad sandwiched between Claire, Mya and Bethany. (I missed that picture!)

Both days Hailey did the Easy Bake Oven with the kids. They made chocolate cookies and pretzels.

Landon just couldn't resist... he just HAD to smell it!

I did not know so many activities could be crammed into 24 hours. I think Brian and I had just as much fun as the kids. I will be honest...we were all completely exhausted AND our house seemed unusually quiet by afternoon.
Thanks everyone for sharing your kiddoes with us and letting us spoil them with our love!


Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

WOW!!! What a wild and crazy time! My kids just LOVE going to Auntie Angie and Uncle Brian's house...they simply adore you guys! Thanks for being such a wonderful aunt and uncle to our kids. We love you!

Matt + Ash said...

You guys DID pack a lot into 24 hours. It looks like everyone had a blast! It is so fun to see all the kids together!


I am exhausted just looking at the pictures! Looks like all the cousins had fun together making priceless memories!