With the Warta boys are on their annual camping trip us girls decided to enjoy the evening at Bishops Pumpkin Farm. We arrived at 4:30 p.m. and left at 7:15p.m. just as the mosquitoes were coming out and the sun was going down . We didn't get to do everything but the crowd was light, the air was "dust-free" and the air was cool. The evening was so relaxing! Hailey said, "We will definitely have to come back. You can't come to the pumpkin farm without going on a hayride to pick out a pumpkin in the field."

I just love the sunset in the background!

Claire and Bethany were fascinated with all the leaves!

Being silly!

These two girls were the best of buds until...

they had to take turns being the driver.

Of course, every little girl has to have their very own bag to hold their pumpkins.

Of course, you can't leave the pumpkin farm without a carmel apple.

The train ride was a bust!
We missed having Auntie Kate and Grandma Warta with us!
Thanks for a great fall evening ladies! We sure had a nice time...very relaxing! Love you all!!
Glad everyone had fun .......maybe next year I can be part of the "girl time".
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