Keagan, Bethany and I spent the evening trick or treating in Tim & Casey's neighborhood while Hailey spent the evening with a few girls in her class. We sure did miss her! Mom's having a hard time getting used to the fact that Hailey is growing up. As a parent, when one of your kids is away there is a recognizable void.

As much as
Keagan loves to 'dress-up' he always seems to amaze me when it comes to Halloween costumes. Every year he changes his mind at least three times before choosing a very simple, yet comfortable costume out of his existing wardrobe. You gotta love his simplicity!
Bethany has loved Snow White since she was 2 years old. We went on a hunt at the second stores for a snow white back in late September. To my amazement it didn't take long. Whenever we are in search or in desperate need for a particular item we always check the second hand stores first before buying new. Without fail we find the item immediately on the rack or on the shelf in the right size as if it was laid
their seconds before just for us. We have saved A LOT of money this way. It is in these times that I am reminded how blessed we are. God takes care of our every need just when we need it! Bethany's costume is not just a generic Snow White dress. It is a very detailed, well made Snow White dress from the Disney store and it only cost us $3.00!

Where has the time gone? Almost Kindergartens!

The Hudson family joined us, too. We had two Snow Whites! Ashley and Bethany play together very well in Sunday School but put them in the same costumes and you would think that they were enemies. They did not say a single word to each other the whole
evening! Girls.

These two girls have become the
best of friends. Unfortunately, when
Keagan is not around Landon gets left out, but when
Keagan is around him and Landon are

Claire insisted on holding hands with Bethany the whole night. Beth did not seem to mind.

Tim & Casey's immediate neighbors are the nicest, sweetest people. It was very evident to me that Tim & Casey spend a lot of time sharing their lives and hearts with the people around them.

One neighbor in particular invite Landon & Claire to come back later in the evening for an extra "special treat". She invited us into her kitchen to pick out our very own hand-made, frosted, pumpkin, sugar cookie. What a special treat!
Thanks Uncle Tim & Aunt Casey for inviting us to share a very special Halloween with your family and friends! We love all of you very much!
Thanks for joining us for Halloween! We had a GREAT time with all of you.
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Hosain i see your blogger
it is very nice
i hope best to your best family
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thanks and have a nice time
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