Friday, April 30, 2010

Kelden at 3 months

I turns 3 months old on April 31st. I can hold my head up rather well and if you place me on my belly I can roll myself over. I can grab just about anything within my reach including girls' hair. I can give open mouth kisses and great BIG hugs. I love to arch my back and dig my heals into the floor to scoot backwards in every direction. I prefer to suck my thumb, but everyone keeps popping that Binky thing back into my mouth. Watch out! I know how to spit and blow bubbles, too. Mommy says I have enough drool to be a St. Bernard puppy. I love all the attention I can get. Daddy and Bethany sing to me a lot. Daddy loves to sing 'Amazing Grace' and 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear' . Big Brother Keagan and I have our own way of talking-we grunt and growl our own songs. My favorite time of day is bathtime. I especially like the naked part best!
Yours Truly,
K.C. Bear

Kelden at 3 months
Keagan at 3 months

Striking Resemblances

A comment that Brian and I often hear from our friends is "You guys make cute kids. Your kids are like little cookie cutters." We have learned to just smile and say, 'Thank You'. Over the years we have been convinced that this is true. There is no mistaken in these photos that our children do in fact look a like. The boys look like the boys and the girls look like the girls. These photos were taken at different ages, but when the kids were all about the same size (approx. 10-12 lbs.) It's funny to see the difference between film & digital developing. I hope you enjoy the similarity as much as I have. These 'Mommy & Me' photos are very dear to me.
Kelden(3 mo.) & Bethany(5 years) & Mommy-April 2010
Hailey(2 years & 7 mo.) & Keagan(2 mo.) & Mommy-July 2001
Mommy & Hailey(5 mo.)-July 1999
Mommy & Bethany-July(2 mo.) 2005
Mommy & Keagan(2 mo.)-July 2001
Mommy & Kelden(3 mo.)-April 2010
Mommy & Keagan(2 mo.)-July 2001
Mommy & Kelden(3 mo.)-April 2010

Wrappin' up April

An evening hunt in our pajamas.
A rabbit kill on a Friday afternoon.

A cat nap with dad on a dog day afternoon.

A new haircut.
A Fire Department rib feed-compliments of Firehouse BBQ, chef Dave Newquist

An evening of fishing at the bypass with Dad.

A relaxing Spring day with Uncle Timmy, Aunt Casey, Cousin Landon & Cousin Claire. Thanks Uncle Timmy for teaching me how to ride a bike!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Bethany has been talking about daddy's birthday for well over a month. She had BIG plans to bake daddy peanut butter cupcakes for his birthday. As you all know, Brian is a big fan of peanut butter cups. So, Bethany and mommy put our heads together and came up with a special cupcake recipe with a peanut butter surprise in the middle. We had a super fun morning sneaking around the house and taste testing our recipe. Thank you Bethany for a fun morning.

After the kids got out of school, Tim & Casey babysat for us so that Kelden & I could take Brian out to dinner at a Sushi restaurant. (Both families agreed that dropping off 4 children would be a little too much. Kelden did great for us.)
Thank you so much Tim & Casey for the hour and a half of alone time. It was awesome! You guys are the BEST!
Before bedtime the kids gave Brian their gifts. They all had so much fun picking out a couple of small inexpensive gifts. Their creativity was GREAT!
Bethany- a snake bite kit & sunglasses
A few days ago, Brian shot a rattlesnake 4 ft. from his foot while on a fishing trip with Bethany & Keagan. Thank goodness he was leading the way and stumbled upon it first. Thank you Lord Jesus for protecting my family!
Keagan- 2 fishing lures & a fold-down camping shovel.

Hailey-a camping tool for toasting toast & daddy's favorite candies.

You give so much to all of us not expecting anything in return. You have provided us with a wonderful home and a comfortable living. You give of yourself time and time again to wipe a running nose, change a dirty diaper, rock a fussy baby, tie a shoe, repair a bike, fix a broken toy, help with a homework problem, run a errand or two and yet we do not take the time to thank you enough. Thanks for being our HERO! You are a wonderful husband and an even better father. We wish you a very happy birthday and a relaxing day!
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
We love You!

Monday, April 26, 2010

'K.C. Bear' can do, can you?

Daddy has given me the nickname, 'K.C. Bear'. I am growing up so fast. Everyday I seem to be learning something new.
11 weeks
...I know how to talk now.

...I am learning to chow down.

...I can hold my rattle.

10 weeks
...Brother is teaching me a thing or two about baseball.

...I can pal around.

...I love being put to sleep next to my Big Brother.

...Sleeping next to mommy is the best!

...I love my mimi and sister's too.
...I love being the center of attention, but being fought over is the coolest.

...I love my baths and being naked. Clothes are NOT what they're cracked up to be.