I turns 3 months old on April 31st. I can hold my head up rather well and if you place me on my belly I can roll myself over. I can grab just about anything within my reach including girls' hair. I can give open mouth kisses and great BIG hugs. I love to arch my back and dig my heals into the floor to scoot backwards in every direction. I prefer to suck my thumb, but everyone keeps popping that Binky thing back into my mouth. Watch out! I know how to spit and blow bubbles, too. Mommy says I have enough drool to be a St. Bernard puppy. I love all the attention I can get. Daddy and Bethany sing to me a lot. Daddy loves to sing 'Amazing Grace' and 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear' . Big Brother Keagan and I have our own way of talking-we grunt and growl our own songs. My favorite time of day is bathtime. I especially like the naked part best!
Yours Truly,
K.C. Bear

1 comment:
Oh my sweet boy! You grow cuter with each passing day! Auntie loves you BIG!!!
Auntie Casey
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