Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kelden at 7 months

I am 7 months old now. I have 6 teeth and I am working on two more! My sisters know now not to stick their fingers in my mouth because I bite. I can say, "nigh nigh", "Da Da Da" and "Ma Ma Ma". I am learning to sleep in my crib in big brother's room. I can roll from my back to my tummy and back to my back. I recently rolled over in the bath tub! I can sit by myself but watch me closely because sometimes I topple over. I still love my baths very much, but I give my parents a work-out when it comes to diaper changing. With a smile like this...I pretty much have my family drooling over me.

Mr. Giraffe is my pal.
Actually he is my very best friend.
"Come here Mr. Giraffe. Let me pull your ears."
I have the best Big Sister.
My Dad is the coolest!
"Hand five Mom! You're the best!"
Sleepy bear.
Where did you get those chipmunk cheeks?
"Hats are over rated...
...and wigs are for GIRLS!"
"Mmm...where have you been hiding these cookies (Graham Crackers)."

I can fly like Superman!
All boxed up and no place to go.
"I will get these teeth in one way or another."
(Notice the metal washer and bolt Kelden's knawing on)
"Go Rivercats!"


Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

My little man is getting so big, so fast! Adore his smile and his giggle. This Auntie is so in love! Hugs and kisses!

Sharon, Max said...

Better watch it....Casey may steal him from you. He is such a cutie and seems to smile all the time.