"Don't worry about the turkey Dad, I gotcha one!"

"It's about time I start living up to my name, 'little hunter'."

"So, I guess I have to pull these fluffy things out?"

Kelden in his element.

"I just know brother's going to show me the ropes...He told me so."

"Won't be long mom until I am out with the big boys."

All dressed up and no where to go.

"Uh..h, Dad....where are you going?"

If mom won't let me string this stuff all over the floor...I'll just eat it!"

Look at me! I can do tricks!
"I'll show you sister that I can stand all by myself and if you are real good...
I'll give you a BIG smooch!
My favorite pass time with Dad. The quad goes, Voom Voom.

My First Thanksgiving
"Shh! Don't tell mom." (First licorice)
I like to see the biggest thing I can hold without falling down.

"Look mom, brother shared his tools with me."

Two boys hard at work.