Look at me at 9 months!

I am beginning to look A LOT like my dad.

Farm life is serious business.

The pumpkins are nice...but I think I would rather go play over there.

I love the outdoors like my dad.
Sorry, mom. Dad forgot to comb my hair, but we are having a great time.
I love my bath playtime.
I can stand up in my crib...and JUMP!

Cute as a button.
Hey, that guy sure does look a lot like me.
I know I shouldn't be doing this.

Oh no. I've been caught.
Lookin' my finest!

Uncle Joe told me...buckeyes dig in the dirt.
Just one more minute...I almost have these things figured out.
This is what happens when homework gets way out of hand at my house.

New discoveries
My mom can't remember what on earth she was feeding me on this day. What a mess I made!
Until next time...I'm going to work on walking.
Oh my sweet boy, you are growing up WAY too fast! You are such a blessing and WE all love you to pieces.
Auntie Casey
Kelden looks soooo much like his daddy!! Gotta pull out those baby pics of Brian.......brings back so many memories :)
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