Brian was off this year, so the kids requested that we hunker down at home for our own celebration...something we have never done before. It was 104 degrees and the kids were not up for doing much until about 6:00 p.m. which made for a really late night. These were the activities that kept us up until 11:15, but there was no way that Brian or I was willing to cut out a single thing that the kids had requested to do because this was their night: a swim at the Ahlers, a 4th of July photo in the sunflower field (mom's 1 request), a trip to Janyo yogurt, a redbox rental, a chase of illegal fireworks, a purchase of fireworks at RVCF youths firework stand, an order of Wendy's french fries, a first ever firework display at home, and the grand finale...30 min. of Gnomeo & Juliet. The night was simple, but very memorable.
Highlights included-
*searching for something to ignite the fireworks only to discover a handful of paper does that happen in a firefighters home?
*Kelden 1st enjoyment of a glow stick, but what made it even more exciting was when he decided to spin in circles with the glow stick in hand on the slatted cement apron. It took two people to keep him from crashing.
*Bedtime being extended an additional 10 min. because dad did not join us for the first 10 min. of the "family movie" so we had to start it over again.
*Kelden running away from the fireworks he loved so much at the beginning of the night when we lit the piccolo pete.

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