Monday, the kids and I drove Hailey up to camp (45 miles east of Redding). Let's just say, it was a long day for all of us- 3 1/2 hrs. both ways. It was worth it all to see the excitement on Hailey's face. She worked her heart out this summer to earn enough money to go by mowing Grandpa & Grandma's lawn, babysitting her siblings, helping out & selling things in our yard sale, as well as, planning her own bake sale. Two days before our yard sale, Hailey was busy in the kitchen baking bread & cookies to sell during our yard sale. She did everything on her own and I could not have been prouder! Thank you to the Sims' family for donating fresh produce for Hailey's bake sale. Thank you Uncle Cody for the example of hard work and perseverance that you have set before my children. You inspire Hailey!
Of course, Kelden was fascinated with the camp staff's 3-wheeler, mule & golf carts. He just did not understand why he could not go for a ride.
Sleeping accommodations...tepee's & tents. It was only 76 degrees at 2:00 pm with thunderheads hovering overhead. I hope these kids stay warm & dry!
Hailey will never be too old for our traditional camp photo. Hailey was only one or two years older than Bethany when she first came to church camp.
Bethany's friend, Audrey, was up at camp with her Grandpa & Grandma so the girls were able to enjoy a short visit. I was 10 years old when I attended Word of Life camp with Audrey's Aunts, Laurie & Angie. Brings back memories.
Hailey was delighted to show Keagan around.
One very cold swimming test!
School friends, Jessica & Ashley joined Hailey at camp along with a few girls from last year.
We were able to sneak in about an hour visit with my sister, Destiny & husband Brandon on the way home. I have not made a Redding visit since their wedding about a year ago. It was fun to see their new home!
When you have so many Aunts & Uncles, you get to do things that you normally don't get to do at home. I can't wait for another visit. This one was way too quick.
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