Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cousins, Cousins, & more Cousins...

Justice turned 3 years old on September 24. The kids and I were able to drive to Napa to celebrate the day with cousin Justice.

Once Justice gets to laughing there is no stopping him!
Hailey surprises Uncle Brian with her powerful swing. Notice the uncertain look on Justice's face.

Grandpa Jim and Justice enjoying a race with his new cars. Somehow Justice's car always won.
Grandpa tried to count to three but the red car usually took off on 1 or 2. The photo doesn't capture the laughter that took place between grandpa and grandson.

Grandma Marilyn asking Justice if he felt bigger when he woke up this morning. Notice him showing Grandma just how much bigger he is now.

Justice showing Bethany the very shiny spokes on his new bicycle; too cute!

Justice never got too tired riding his new two-wheel bike that Grandpa & Grandma Crawford gave him.

Trinity just chillin' out with Grandpa Jim.

Journey observing all the people at her house with Danika.
Felicity laughing at Aunt Angie while being held by Aunt Destiny.

Grandma & Grandpa Penterman trying to get their first snapshot with all of the girls while they are all happy. Usually if one starts to cry the other two start to cry. This is a rare picture moment.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The 1st day of school!

The kids went back to school on Monday, August 18. Keagan is in 2nd grade. Hailey is in 4th grade. They were both so excited to get back into the school routine.

Keagan took his excitement to the extreme about 3 days before school started. He cut his head open on a metal clothes rack in a clothing store... 30 minutes before his "before school" haircut appointment. He reminded me on the way to Urgent Care that this would make 3 head concussions and 3 sets of stitches. Fortunately, he did not need stitches. His head was shaved about the size of a half dollar and medical glue was applied over the cut. A week into school he was able to get his much needed haircut. The cut has healed nicely. Now, we are waiting for the glob of glue to loosen out of his hair!

Hailey is taking on the challenge of 4th grade with an eager spirit. She is excited about getting organized and staying on task. Mrs. McBride will be of great assistance in helping her to accomplish this goal. Keep up the good work, Hailey!
"Let's Go, mom! We are going to be late!", says Hailey. At the requests of the kids I have made a commitment to the kids that we would leave the house at 8:00 sharp, not the 8:10-8:15 we got accustomed to last year. So, on the 1st day of school I walked them to class without my hair curled or my make-up on! They even took their "before school" pictures AFTER school. I'm learning.

Grandma Kathy was waiting at the front door of the school to greet the kids and wish them a fun day. What a wonderful blessing on their 1st day of school without Daddy at their side walking them in. He had to work that morning. In the past, Brian has taken the day off or the morning off as vacation so that he can be apart of their morning. Thank you, Grandma.

The end to our...Summer!

Every year we finish off the summer by packing the WHOLE Warta clan into a 3-story cabin on Little Grass Valley Lake. This has always been a highlight of the year for our kids. This year we had our longest stay...7 nights & 8 days! As the photo below shows... there was never a dull moment.

Hailey, Keagan, & Bethany...Wow, have they grown up!

Bethany striking a pose with the "BIG GIRLS".

Beading was a favorite pass time for us girls. I think everyone came home with at least two pieces of jewelry if not an entire set. Thanks Hailey for showing us the "ropes" & for giving us all such great ideas.

"Watch out, Hailey!" Bethany isn't little anymore.

Brian enjoyed taking the kids out for boat rides in his little fishing boat. The fish weren't biting, but he was able to do some fishing.

Brian and Keagan really enjoyed gold panning together.

Hailey hiked up to Bald Mountain two days in a row. Way to go, Hailey!

Brian, Hailey, & Keagan enjoyed an afternoon of geo-cashing & looking for antique treasures in the old town of Gibsonville. Hailey & Brian share the same appreciation of History and love exploring it together.

Again this year, we were sad to drive down the mountain; leaving the cabin behind us until next summer. Our family time at the cabin is so special. It gets better and better each year.