Friday, December 16, 2011

Class Christmas Parties

It seemed so weird to only have 2 classrooms to juggle between with Hailey being on the other campus. It is kind of sad. I definitely missed not being able to interact with her and her classmates on the last day of school before Christmas break. So, when Keagan asked if I'd stay for his whole party, I jumped at the opportunity. The time just seems to fly!

Brian stayed with the boys while they napped so that I could participate in Bethany's class party on Thursday.
Landon was such a charmer. He kept posing for me when I pulled out the camera.
This photo did not capture Landon's initial smile; but boy, oh boy, did he look like Brian.
Daddy's are such teasers!
Bethany & Jack Voudouris are only 10 days apart. Jack & Bethany have so many fun memories together as their mommies are best friends. This was Jack's last day of school. His family is moving to Savannah, Georgia over the break. We sure are going to miss all of them!
Jack & his good friend, Daniel.
These two are inseparable. They are the best of friends. More like siblings then cousins. I love it!

I was surprised on Friday morning with the news that I would not have Alex. So, I was able to spend the whole morning with Keagan, Bethany & Kelden. What a great surprise! Keagan sure did appreciate our time in the classroom as he built a gingerbread house.

YEAH, School is over...let Christmas begin!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Panini - Ugly Sweater-Going Away" Party

About 1 1/2 years ago, Brian and I joined a marriage group with 6 other couples. We meet every Thursday evening for about 3 1/2 hours to pray, to fellowship, to share parenting ideas, and marriage advice. Two couples have 3 children and the other five couples have 4-6 children. All together we have 28 children! Raising a large family in these economic times requires creative thinking. These couples have become our best friends. The commodity that we share is amazing! The leaders of our group have played a 'Big' role in our own marriage for the past 15 years. We are sad to say, the Voudouris' will be moving to Savannah, Georgia before Christmas to pursue a full-time Chaplaincy in the Army. Kristin and I are very close and this will be a great loss for us both. Please, pray for us both as we have to say goodbye. They will be greatly missed!
The Panini bar was a huge success!
However, the 'ugly sweater' was pulled off only by a few. Too many of us were just too busy to shop. Last year our group had almost 100% participation so that has to count for something.
The guys trying to set the camera timer for our big group shot. It was quite humorous.
the ladies, the girls, the wives, the mommies...the hot babes
the gentlemen, the men, the boys, the daddies...the studs
It was almost 11:00 p.m. before we left. The laughter & the stories shared far outweighed the sad goodbyes. Our group will continue to meet.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A day in the Snow

Yeah! For years, we have wanted to join this group for their annual, 'cutting a Christmas tree & snow' day, but Brian has always worked. This year we were able go and what a fun family day we had!
A Yuppie Christmas...
and a Red-neck Christmas.
All the kiddoes...there sure is a lot of love here.
K.C. sure did love everything about the snow. He takes after his big Sissy, Hailey.

A beautiful Snow Princess
Always up for a snow ball fight
Crashin' with Casey
Just us girls
I just love how all these kids worked together and truly take care of one another.

Uncle Brian became the 'Big Kid' rather quickly
My snow angel
Ahh, popcorn in the snow!
...2 hours later, we have trees.
Round Table hit the spot for a lot of tummies.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cousin time!

I was really missing these two kiddoes. So, I called their mom & dad to see if there was a day that they could come over for a few hours. It just so turned out, they needed afternoon childcare. So, I dropped off Alex and picked up Claire & Landon. Call me crazy...6 kids by myself, homework, dinner and baths...but I loved every minute of it! These two just blend right in with mine. Thanks Tim & Casey for sharing!
Hailey and I tag teamed Bethany & Landon's homework with a spelling drill in shaving cream. Of course, Claire and Kelden had to be a part of the fun, too. All was well until Kelden began to paint Landon with his shaving creme. Kelden was quickly wished away to the bath tub while Hailey finished the rest of the spelling list. It was only Monday and both Bethany & Landon knew all of their words and verse. I was very, very impressed!

Bethany came up with the idea of raising your hands when you were done writing the word. Everyone got on board!

Landon could not resists the temptation to jump in the pile of leaves. Kelden thought this was so cool!

Two separate games of go-fish.
Girl bath time
boy TV time with Handy Mandy
What fun memories!