Sunday, August 29, 2010

A weekened together...

We enjoyed some much needed 'family time' over the weekend. On Friday night we enjoyed the evening at the ballpark eating hot dogs & candy. We just couldn't pass up free tickets to a Rivercats game! Thanks Dan & Shanna Ashby for blessing us!
Kelden's 1st REAL baseball game.
The commercials and trivial games on the big screen were hilarious.
Kelden having the time of his life!
The girls waiting for the 'wave' to circle back around the stadium. Bethany thought this was pretty cool.
On Saturday afternoon we traveled to Napa for Cousin Justice's 5 th birthday.
Karen Crawford's(Bethany's Kindergarten teacher and Grandmother to Justice)
first time holding Kelden. Kelden just snuggled right up to her. It's hard to believe that in just 5 years she could be his teacher.
Sister Journey helping to blow out brother's candles. The other two sisters were not the least bit interested.
Bethany and Keagan having way too much fun!
Justice's favorite gift was definitely the Spider man gloves that squirted real spider webs.
Shooting Daddy was by far more exciting then the gloves themselves.
Auntie Michele wasn't expecting the open mouth french kiss by Cousin Trinity.
Cousin Trinity loves babies.
...Okay. The family time was needed but maybe next time we could just choose one activity. We are all exhausted! Back to school tomorrow!

Monday, August 16, 2010

School is in full swing!

1st Day of School


Hailey's 1st day in 6th grade...yes, 6th grade! I don't know what is harder for have a child in sixth grade or one going off to Kindergarten.
A very excited Hailey to be with all of her friends again...
...and she's off!
One very handsome dude... to Fourth Grade.
It was a treat to see Keagan eating lunch with his friends at the picnic tables when I picked Bethany up from school.
Keagan has a wonderful new teacher, Mrs. Paula Graham. We are very excited to see what new things she will bring to the school.

My little girl is off to Kindergarten. No longer my baby, but a very BIG girl who is excited to learn many new things.
The butterflies are fluttering.
Mrs. Crawford giving Bethany a school bus name tag.
Every student was required to take a photo with their family. Brian was visiting Keagan's classroom since he missed Back To School Night so Bethany and I went ahead and took our photo together. Mrs. Crawford was not about to let Brian miss out on the photo opportunity so she let us stay after the bell rang to retake our photo. I was so grateful since we have this photo with our other children. Thank you so much Karen for being so persistent.
I have to say Bethany definitely has her Daddy's smile.
Walking out to all the Moms and Dads at the end of the day.
They look exhausted!
Landon was truly excited. I must have caught him in a moment of daze.

What a blessing to have these two in school together. It is a real joy seeing family every morning and afternoon.

...Off to homework!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back To School Night

My, Oh my... a sixth grader. Where has the time gone?
"Really mom, Do you have to take a picture?"
Keagan's a little apprehensive about a new teacher and a new school year.
Priceless snapshot of a kindergarten mom's anxiety.
I think Claire is more excited to start school.
You can see Landon's wheels turning and I can only imagine what he is thinking..."So this is life is officially over!"

Our dear friend, Kristin consulting Bethany. Kristin's son, Jack, born just 10 days after Bethany, will be starting Kindergarten, too. School starts in just 5 days. Ready or not.