Thursday, October 4, 2012

Warta Almond Harvesting Party

Who would have thought that our old almond trees would be the focus of an evening family social? Maybe the beginning to an annual tradition at the Warta homestead.  Often, Brian is approached by young parents (city-folk we call them) who dream of providing their kids with the "country living" experience that they had as kids.  With much pondering...Brian came up with a brilliant idea to invite these families out to help us harvest our almonds.  You rake, you take them home.  BRILLIANT!!! Our lawn mower is saved from chewing them up while others enjoy their nutritional value.  For years, we have wanted to flip a profit from our almond trees, but we either don't have the time or the crop.  This year we had an AMAZING crop!  Too good to ignore, but not enough time for the Warta6 to harvest them all.   
There is plenty more on the ground, so come one or come all before the rain spoils them all!!!

 Knocking down the almonds & climbing the trees to knock down the almonds was the hit amongst all the kids!
 Fellow shipping and getting to know one another while sorting & shelling the almonds.
 Oh, no!  KC is at bat!
 Best buds hard at work-Keagan & Tye Morrison
 BREAK TIME!!! Lord please bless this food.
 Washing hands before
 The future men of the group enjoying some pizza.
 KC wasted no time charmin' the ladies.
 Back to work...OR...back to telling jokes...hmmm?
 Hours of fun!
 Petting zoo at dusk.