Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cabin withdrawals!

Every year we spend a week at a cabin in LaPorte with Brian's family. Every year the kids are overjoyed to go and sad when we have to leave. This year was no exception! I will post those photos later when I am caught up on laundry and back on my feet again. Until then, enjoy this video of Bethany as she reminisces about her time at the cabin. I think you will all find this too precious!


Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Beth, you are such a funny little lady!
I love you,
Auntie Casey

Loren and Kathy said...

Great job Bethany! You say it best, the cabin is a very special place and we are all sadden when we leave. We're looking forward to next year already!