Friday, October 16, 2009

Annual F.C.S. Jog

Last Friday, the kids participated in their schools annual jog-a-thon. The weather could not have been more perfect!

It has been an ongoing tradition for Mr. Hannold to jog the first lap with each class group a grand total of 4 laps. Way to support these kids, Bill!

Keagan was definitely running his little heart out!

The fifth graders (Hailey's class) came out to cheer on the 3rd & 4th graders. Several of these fifth graders were the older siblings of the students who were running. Without fail, each one of the younger siblings would pick up their pace to a dead sprint each time they would pass the group of 5 th graders. It was the cutest thing to see the 3rd & 4th graders want to impress the BIG 5th graders.
Keagan is looking on to see if the 5th graders are watching!

Hailey loves to run! She has been training for this event both at school and with Brian since the end of August. Look at the definition in those legs!

This was going to be the first jog-a-thon for Brian to miss. The kids really enjoy Brian or I running with them. They were really bummed that neither or us would be able to run this year. Brian is always full of surprises! He showed up in uniform while his crew watched on and ran one lap with Hailey and her friends. Talk about making a child's day!

Running partners, Hailey & Ashlie Jakowski, seem to enjoy visiting with the firefighter as they jogged.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH ENGINE 4 for taking the time out of your very busy day for our girl!

Hailey & Keagan both completed 18 laps in 30 minutes (appr. 3 miles). The top jogger in Keagan's class ran 20 laps and the top jogger in Hailey's class finished with an astonishing 24 laps! To some people the jog-a-thon is just a school fundraiser, but to some of these kids it is an event that they look forward to all year!

Hailey tied with 3 other girls in her class for the top female jogger! We could not be prouder of our two kids for giving their BEST!

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

1 comment:

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Your love and devotion to your wife and family is a wonderful example for all of us to follow.

Hailey and Keagan,
WAY TO GO!! You guys give it your all each year and you just get better and better!!!!

We love you all!!!