Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eight months old already?

Daddy says that I am getting to be a big boy. I can do so many new things like sitting up, rolling the ball, pulling hair, sleeping through the night and feeding myself. You better watch out though cause I can blow my food at you like a blow fish and I can grawl like a real bear cub, too.

I sure can put on the charm.
I'm looking a lot like my papa bear.
I have been real busy in the teething department. I have 8 teeth now.

Dad lets me gnaw on sticks, but mom lets me go nude in the front yard!

When you're #4 pink is just a color.
I love to jump like a monkey.
"Hey, dad! I was thinking...mom would like to have this kitchen right here."
O.K. now what? This is SO frustrating.
I'm moving but somehow I'm not getting anywhere.
I know you want to kiss me!
Goo sh, this is Sooo embarrassing.

1 comment:

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

He's so adorable!!! Love the dimples on his cute little bottom. Just want to squeeze him! But I have to ask, where has the time gone?