Thursday, April 16, 2009

At the first of the year, Landon asked his mom and dad if they could plant watermelons in their yard. His parents thought that Uncle Brian & Aunt Angie had a much better place to plant watermelons. So, Aunt Angie started to prepare the soil for planting. The rototiller broke half way through, but with a little bit of soaking the soil was soft enough for digging.

Yesterday, I invited Landon over and supplied him with 1 packet of watermelon seeds and 4 yellow-flesh watermelon plants. Much to my surprise, Claire wanted to join in on the fun. After gathering a 2nd shovel Hailey and I took turns taking pictures and helping Landon & Claire plant their watermelons. Claire was very insistent on being part of the whole process in which she did very well! Landon was gracious enough to let his little sister share in the whole experience. It will be exciting to watch the watermelon plants grow that Landon & Claire's little hands planted.

Every time Landon comes over, he enjoys helping Hailey to feed the goats and clean out their water pails. This is the first time ever that I was able to catch it on a camera.

The afternoon was so much fun and as always we sent home to very tired kids.

Thank you Landon & Claire for such a fun afternoon. Come check on your watermelon plants in about 10 days. They should be sprouting!

1 comment:

Tim, Casey, Landon, and Claire said...

Thank you so much for listening to Landon and taking what he says to heart. I'm not sure where he came up with the idea to plant watermelons but for months he has been very exicted to do it. Now he's REALLY going to love being at your place. :)